
Publikationen von RAE Laitinen

Zeitschriftenartikel (7)

Chae, E.; Bomblies, K.; Kim, S.-T.; Karelina, D.; Zaidem, M.; Ossowski, S.; Martín-Pizarro, C.; Laitinen, R.; Rowan, B.; Tenenboim, H. et al.; Lechner, S.; Demar, M.; Habring-Müller, A.; Lanz, C.; Rätsch, G.; Weigel, D.: Species-wide Genetic Incompatibility Analysis Identifies Immune Genes as Hot Spots of Deleterious Epistasis. Cell 159 (6), S. 1341 - 1351 (2014)
Todesco, M.; Kim, S.-T.; Chae, E.; Bomblies, K.; Zaidem, M.; Smith, L.; Weigel, D.; Laitinen, R.: Activation of the Arabidopsis thaliana Immune System by Combinations of Common ACD6 Alleles. PLoS Genetics 10 (7), e1004459 (2014)
Salomé, P.; Bomblies, K.; Laitinen, R.; Yant, L.; Mott, R.; Weigel, D.: Genetic architecture of flowering-time variation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Genetics 188 (2), S. 421 - 433 (2011)
Salomé, P.; Bomblies, K.; Fitz, J.; Laitinen, R.; Yant, L.; Weigel, D.: The recombination landscape in Arabidopsis thaliana F2 populations. Heredity 108 (4), S. 447 - 455 (2011)
Laitinen, R.; Schneeberger, K.; Jelly, N.; Ossowski, S.; Weigel, D.: Identification of a spontaneous frame shift mutation in a nonreference Arabidopsis accession using whole genome sequencing. Plant Physiology 153 (2), S. 652 - 654 (2010)
Todesco, M.; Balasubramanian, S.; Hu, T.; Traw, M.; Horton, M.; Epple, P.; Kuhns, C.; Balasubramanian, S.; Schwartz, C.; Lanz, C. et al.; Laitinen, R.; Huang, Y.; Chory, J.; Lipka, V.; Borevitz, J.; Dangl, J.; Bergelson, J.; Nordborg, M.; Weigel, D.: Natural allelic variation underlying a major fitness trade-off in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature 465 (7298), S. 632 - 636 (2010)
Bomblies, K.; Yant, L.; Laitinen, R.; Kim, S.-T.; Hollister, J.; Warthmann, N.; Fitz, J.; Weigel, D.: Local-scale patterns of genetic variability, outcrossing, and spatial structure in natural stands of Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS Genetics 6 (3), e1000890 (2010)

Meeting Abstract (2)

Meeting Abstract
Todesco, M.; Kim, S.-T.; Chae, E.; Bomblies, K.; Zaidem, M.; Smith, L.; Weigel, D.; Laitinen, R.: Single-locus hybrid necrosis caused by common, co-occurring ACD6 alleles. In 25th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2014), 351, S. 165. 25th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2014), Vancouver, Canada, 28. Juli 2014 - 01. August 2014. (2014)
Meeting Abstract
Bomblies, K.; Yant, L.; Laitinen, R.; Kim, S.-T.; Weigel, D.: Local-scale population structure and out-crossing in Arabidopsis thaliana. In 20th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2009), C06, S. 57. 20th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2009), Edinburgh, UK, 30. Juni 2009 - 04. Juli 2009. (2009)

Poster (4)

Świadek, M.; Sieh, D.; Rodriguez-Cubillo, A.; Proost, S.; Giavalisco, P.; Todesco, M.; Weigel, D.; Laitinen, R.: Hybrid necrosis in local populations of Arabidopsis thaliana. 26th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2015), Paris, France (2015)
Plötner, P.; Krain, A.; Schneeberger, K.; Weigel, D.; Laitinen, R.: Genetic basis of F2 hybrid chlorosis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plants and People Conference: Challenges in Biology - Big Data and Ethics, Potsdam, Germany (2013)
Świadek, M.; Sieh, D.; Todesco, M.; Weigel, D.; Laitinen, R.: Hybrid necrosis in local populations of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plants and People Conference: Challenges in Biology - Big Data and Ethics, Potsdam, Germany (2013)
Laitinen, R.; Bomblies, K.; Boldt, H.; Todesco, M.; Weigel, D.: Genetic mechanisms of hybrid incompatibility in Arabidopsis thaliana. 20th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2009), Edinburgh, UK (2009)
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