
Publikationen von FA Renschler

Zeitschriftenartikel (3)

Beati, H.; Peek, I.; Hordowska, P.; Honemann-Capito, M.; Glashauser, J.; Renschler, F.; Kakanj, P.; Ramrath, A.; Leptin, M.; Luschnig, S. et al.; Wiesner, S.; Wodarz, A.: The adherens junction-associated LIM domain protein Smallish regulates epithelial morphogenesis. Journal of Cell Biology 217 (3), S. 1079 - 1095 (2018)
Renschler, F.; Bruekner, S.; Salomon, P.; Mukherjee, A.; Kullmann, L.; Schütz-Stoffregen, M.; Henzler, C.; Pawson, T.; Krahn, M.; Wiesner, S.: Structural basis for the interaction between the cell polarity proteins Par3 and Par6. Science Signaling 11 (517), eaam9899 (2018)
Stoffregen, M.; Schwer, M.; Renschler, F.; Wiesner, S.: Methionine scanning as an NMR tool for detecting and analyzing biomolecular interaction surfaces. Structure 20 (4), S. 573 - 581 (2012)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Stoffregen, M.; Ruetalo-Buschinger, N.; Schwer, M.; Renschler, F.; Wiesner, S.: Methionine scanning as a new tool for methyl NMR studies. In 35th FGMR Discussion Meeting & Joint Conference of the German, Italian and Slovenian Magnetic Resonance Societies, T52, S. 90. 35th FGMR Discussion Meeting & Joint Conference of the German, Italian and Slovenian Magnetic Resonance Societies, Frauenchiemsee, Germany, 09. September 2013 - 14. September 2013. (2013)

Poster (2)

Renschler, F.; Bruekner, S.; Stoffregen, M.; Schroeder, B.; Salomon, P.; Wiesner, S.: Three to stick with: Interactions of the Bazooka PDZ domains with cell-cell junction molecules. 40th FEBS Congress: The Biochemical Basis of Life, Berlin, Germany (2015)
Strohaeker, T.; Renschler, F.; Hyz, K.; Wiesner, S.: Structural studies of ubiquitylation intermediates. 35th FGMR Discussion Meeting & Joint Conference of the German, Italian and Slovenian Magnetic Resonance Societies, Frauenchiemsee, Germany (2013)
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