Membranproteinfaltung, Stabilität und Funktionen
Journal Articles (4)
1. Chang YC, Cao Z, Chen WT, and Huang WC, “Effects of Stand-alone Polar Residue on Membrane Protein Stability and Structure”, BBA-Biomembranes 2024 Jun; 1866(5): 184325. DOI
2. Kuo CY, Tay R, Lin HC, Juan SC, de Ulzurrun GV, Chang YC, Hoki J, Schroeder F, and Hsueh YP, “The nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora detects prey pheromones via G protein- coupled receptors,” Nature Microbiology 2024 Jul; 9(7): 434 1738-1751 DOI
3. Huang WC, Chen WT, Chen YC, Fang SB, Huang TW, Chang PR, and Chang YC, “Salmonella YqiC exerts its function through an oligomeric state”, Protein Sci. 2023 Oct; 32(10): e4749. DOI
4. Chang YC and Bowie JU, "Measuring Membrane Protein Stability under Native Conditions." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2014 Jan 7; 111(1): 219-24. DOI