Bio Optics

Bio Optics

Zeitschriftenartikel (14)

Piskobulu, V.; Athanasouli, M.; Witte, H.; Feldhaus, C.; Streit, A.; Sommer, R.: High nutritional conditions influence feeding plasticity in Pristionchus pacificus and render worms non-predatory. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 344 (2), S. 94 - 111 (2025)
Luthringer, R.; Raphalen, M.; Guerra, C.; Colin, S.; Martinho, C.; Zheng, M.; Hoshino, M.; Badis, Y.; Lipinska, A.; Haas, F. et al.; Barrera-Redondo, J.; Alva, V.; Coelho, S.: Repeated co-option of HMG-box genes for sex determination in brown algae and animals. Science 283 (6689), eadk5466 (2024)
Fink, C.; Martinez-Cano, G.; Shuster, J.; Panzera, A.; Rennhack, K.; Rohbohm, N.; Angenent, L.; Molitor, B.: The Targeted Deletion of Genes Responsible for Expression of the Mth60 Fimbriae Leads to Loss of Cell-Cell Connections in Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus ΔH. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 89 (7), e0057523 (2023)
Veselá-Strejcová, J.; Scalco, E.; Zingone, A.; Colin, S.; Caputi, L.; Sarno, D.; Nebesářová, J.; Bowler, C.; Lukeš, J.: Diverse eukaryotic phytoplankton from around the Marquesas Islands documented by combined microscopy and molecular techniques. Protist 174 (4), 125965 (2023)
Godfroy, O.; Zheng, M.; Hao, H.; Henschen, A.; Peters, A.; Scornet, D.; Colin, S.; Ronchi, P.; Hipp, K.; Nagasato, C. et al.; Motomura, T.; Cock, J.; Coelho, S.: The baseless mutant links protein phosphatase 2A with basal cell identity in the brown alga Ectocarpus. Development 150 (4), dev201283 (2023)
Pierella Karlusich, J.; Pelletier, E.; Zinger, L.; Lombard, F.; Zingone, A.; Colin, S.; Gasol, J.; Dorrell, R.; Henry, N.; Scalco, E. et al.; Acinas, S.; Wincker, P.; de Vargas, C.; Bowler, S.: A robust approach to estimate relative phytoplankton cell abundances from metagenomes. Molecular Ecology Resources 23 (1), S. 16 - 40 (2023)
Lavaut, E.; Guillemin, M.-L.; Colin, S.; Faure, A.; Coudret, J.; Destombe, C.; Valero, M.: Pollinators of the sea: A discovery of animal-mediated fertilization in seaweed. Science 377 (6605), S. 528 - 530 (2022)
Pierella Karlusich, J.; Pelletier, E.; Lombard, F.; Carsique, M.; Dvorak, E.; Colin, S.; Picheral, M.; Cornejo-Castillo, F.; Acinas, S.; Pepperkok, R. et al.; Karsenti, E.; de Vargas, C.; Wincker, P.; Bowler, C.; Foster, R.: Global distribution patterns of marine nitrogen-fixers by imaging and molecular methods. Nature Communications 12 (1), 4160 (2021)
Herud-Sikimić, O.; Stiel, A.; Kolb, M.; Shanmugaratnam, S.; Berendzen, K.; Feldhaus, C.; Höcker, B.; Jürgens, G.: A biosensor for the direct visualization of auxin. Nature 592 (7856), S. 768 - 772 (2021)
Musielak, T.; Slane, D.; Liebig, C.; Bayer, M.: A Versatile Optical Clearing Protocol for Deep Tissue Imaging of Fluorescent Proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS One 11 (8), e0161107 (2016)
Ferrando-May, E.; Hartmann, H.; Reymann, J.; Ansari, N.; Utz, N.; Fried, H.; Kukat, C.; Peychl, J.; Liebig, C.; Terjung, S. et al.; Laketa, V.; Sporbert, A.; Weidtkamp-Peters, S.; Schauss, A.; Zuschratter, W.; Avilov, S.; German BioImaging network: Advanced light microscopy core facilities: Balancing service, science and career. Microscopy Research and Technique 79 (6), S. 463 - 479 (2016)
Asadulina, A.; Panzera, A.; Verasztó, C.; Liebig, C.; Jékely, G.: Whole-body gene expression pattern registration in Platynereis larvae. EvoDevo 3, 27 (2012)
Kulemzina, I.; Schumacher, M.; Verma, V.; Reiter, J.; Metzler, J.; Failla, A.; Lanz, C.; Sreedharan, V.; Rätsch, G.; Ivanov, D.: Cohesin rings devoid of Scc3 and Pds5 maintain their stable association with the DNA. PLoS Genetics 8 (8), e1002856 (2012)
Züchner, T.; Failla, A.; Meixner, A.: Light microscopy with doughnut modes: a concept to detect, characterize, and manipulate individual nanoobjects. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 50 (23), S. 5274 - 5293 (2011)

Konferenzbeitrag (1)

Wackenhut, F.; Failla, A.; Züchner, T.; Meixner, A.: Complete three-dimensional optical characterization of single gold nanorods. In: Plasmonics: Metallic Nanostructures and Their Optical Properties IX, 8096 2V (Hg. Stockman, M.). Plasmonics: Metallic Nanostructures and Their Optical Properties IX, San Diego, CA, USA, 21. August 2011 - 25. August 2011. SPIE, Bellingham, WA, USA (2011)

Meeting Abstract (4)

Meeting Abstract
Colin, S.; Halavatyi, A.; Zukowska, J.: High-throughput imaging of microbial biodiversity using adaptive feedback microscopy. In EMBO Lecture Course: Imaging Marine Organisms Across Scales. EMBO Lecture Course: Imaging Marine Organisms Across Scales , Napoli, Italy, 09. April 2024 - 12. April 2024. (2024)
Meeting Abstract
Lombard, F.; Guidi, L.; Brandão, M.; Coelho, M.; Colin, S.; Dolan, J.; Elineau, A.; Gasol, J.; Grondin, P.; Henry, M. et al.; Ibarbalz, F.; Jalabert, L.; Loreau, M.; Martini, S.; Mériguet, Z.; Picheral, M.; Pierella Karlusich, J.; Pepperkok, R.; Romagnan, J.-B.; Zinger, L.; Stemmann, L.; Acinas, S.; Karp-Boss, L.; Boss, E.; Sullivan, M.; Bowler, C.; de Vargas, C.; Karsenti, E.; Gorsky, G.: Ubiquity of inverted 'gelatinous' ecosystem pyramids in the global ocean. In ICES-PICES 7th International Zooplankton Production Symposium, S01-17140, S. 5 - 6. ICES-PICES 7th International Zooplankton Production Symposium, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 17. März 2024 - 22. März 2024. (2024)
Meeting Abstract
Lavaut, E.; Guillemin, M.; Colin, S.; Faure, A.; Coudret, J.; Destombe, C.; Valero, M.: Evidence of an animal-mediated fertilization in red algae. In SFE2 GfÖ EEF Joint Meeting: International Conference on Ecological Sciences "Ecology and Evolution: New Perspectives and Societal Challenges", 00648, S. 170. SFE2 GfÖ EEF Joint Meeting: International Conference on Ecological Sciences "Ecology and Evolution: New Perspectives and Societal Challenges", Metz, France, 21. November 2022 - 25. November 2022. (2022)
Meeting Abstract
Lavaut, E.; Guillemin, M.-L.; Colin, S.; Faure, A.; Coudret, J.; Destombe, C.; Valero, M.: Pollinators of the sea: A discovery of animal-mediated fertilization in seaweed. In Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB 2022), 1702, S. 38 - 39. Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB 2022), Praha, Czech Republic, 14. August 2022 - 19. August 2022. (2022)

Vortrag (1)

Colin, S.: Environmental microscopy, feedback from Tara Oceans. EMBO Lecture Course: Imaging Marine Organisms Across Scales , Napoli, Italy (2024)
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