Registration & Abstract Submission

Registration & Abstract Submission

4th International Pristionchus Meeting

We plan to have 30-minute (20' talk pus 10' for discussion) and 20-minute (13' plus 7') slots for oral presentations. We plan to put much emphasis on poster presentations. The poster sessions will be allocated enough time and take place on the roof top terrasse of our institute (weather permitting), which has a spectacular view. Furthermore, every poster presenter will get 2 minutes to pitch his/her poster in an oral session preceding the respective poster session.


The meeting is free of charge but participants are expected to make their own travel and lodging arrangements and pay for them. In order to allow us to plan for food and refreshments, you are kindly requested to register by August 31st 2023 (extended).

Abstract Submission

Abstract submission opens in May 2023 and closes on Aug 6 2023. 

Abstracts should be uploaded as one PDF file containing title, authors, affiliations and the text. In the interest of a more or less uniform appearance of the abstracts in the booklet, that we are going to prepare, please format your abstract according to the example below.

  • Font: Arial, size 10
  • Title in bold
  • Authors, with spelled out first names, presenting author underlined.
  • Affiliation(s), without street address(es).
  • Empty line
  • Body of the abstract, not exceeding 200 words.

Example Abstract

C. elegans may also be a useful nematode - we must admit it
Ralf J. Sommer1, Hanh Witte1 and James W. Lightfoot2
1Department of Integrative Evolutionary Biology, Max Planck Institute for Biology Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany. 2Max Planck Institute for the Neurobiology of Behaviour - caesar, Bonn, Germany.

Some time ago it has come to our attention that, in some places, scientists tend to waste their time raising and studying a nematode they call "Caenorhabditis elegans". While, at first, we could not imagine that this organism could ever be of any benefit to us, over the last few years, we have come to appreciate the usefulness of this worm. First, C. elegans is easy to inject, such that, if you have a particularly unhandy new student, you can have him first develop his skills on C. elegans instead of wasting precious P. pacificus. Second, and more importantly, C. elegans makes for an excellent food source for Pristionchus spp. and other diplogastrids.


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