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Algae growth follows the hourglass model

The mid-embryonic stage are strikingly similar in animals, plants and algae, revealing the shared crucial stages in the evolution of complex life forms more

Yen-Ping Hsueh appointed as Director of the Max Planck Institute for Biology Tübingen

Our new Director establishes the Department of Complex Biological Interactions, focusing on the molecular interactions and coevolution between carnivores and their prey. more

Harnessing Mutations: A Breakthrough in Fruit Fly Genetics

A game-changing technique, TF-High-Evolutionary (TF-HighEvo), allows large-scale assessment of de-novo mutations in multicellular organisms more

<span><span><span>Why do females switch to asexual reproduction?</span></span></span>

Researchers at Max Planck Institute for Biology Tübingen and Kobe University discovered populations of female brown algae that reproduce from unfertilised gametes and thrive without males. As published in Nature Ecology and Evolution, they used “Amazon” algae to shed light on the phenotypic and genetic consequences of the shift from sexual to asexual reproduction. more

German-Mauritian Collaboration Tackles Herbicide Resistance in Sugarcane Cultivation

Through international teamwork, scientists’ on-site weed resistance diagnosis boosts knowledge exchange and sustainable agriculture. more

Max Planck Institute Director, Susana Coelho, joins the list of outstanding scientists in EMBO’s 60<sup>th</sup> anniversary year

Max Planck Institute Director, Susana Coelho, joins the list of outstanding scientists in EMBO’s 60th anniversary year more

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