Complex Biological Interactions

Complex Biological Interactions

In the Department of Complex Biological Interaction we aim to understand the cross-kingdom predator-prey interaction and co-evolution between carnivorous fungi and nematodes at various scales in time and space.

Carnivory has independently emerged in the kingdom of fungi. Within the major fungal lineages: Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes, and Zygomycetes, multiple species have evolved unique strategies to prey on nematodes, Earth’s most abundant animals. Despite their fascinating biology, predatory fungi have been minimally explored at molecular and cellular levels. Over recent years, our department has been at the forefront of developing genetic models for two carnivorous fungi: the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotry oligospora from the Ascomycetes and the oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus from the Basidiomycetes. Each employs distinct predatory strategies. In parallel, we leverage powerful genetics and diverse ancillary resources for model nematode Caenorhabditis elegans to study nematode’s interactions with fungal predators. In our systems, both fungi and nematodes are genetically tractable, enabling an in-depth analysis of interactions from both sides.

Research Focus

We employ integrative approaches include genetic, genomic, chemical, and biochemical analyses, cell biology, quantitative imaging and computational modelling to investigate the interactions between the nematode-trapping fungus (A. oligospora) and the oyster mushroom (P. ostreatus) with the model nematode (C. elegans).

Research Topics

Evolution and development of nematode-trapping fungi

Evolution and development of nematode-trapping fungi

Nematode-trapping fungi (NTF) are a fascinating group of carnivorous fungi that have evolved unique strategies to capture and consume nematodes, tiny roundworms that are among the most abundant animals on Earth. These fungi employ specialized trapping structures, such as adhesive networks, constricting rings, and sticky knobs, to immobilize their prey. Once captured, the fungi penetrate the nematodes’ bodies, breaking down their tissues to extract nutrients. Our team is interested in understanding the molecular mechanisms that govern the evolution and development of traps in NTF.
Evolution and development of Pleurotus mushrooms

Evolution and development of Pleurotus mushrooms

The oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus is a widely known species of edible fungus, recognized for its distinctive oyster-shaped caps and ability to grow on a variety of substrates, including decaying wood. Beyond its culinary appeal, the oyster mushroom is also a fascinating organism due to its unique predatory behavior. P. ostreatus is carnivorous, capable of paralyzing and killing nematodes. Researchers have identified a specific structure, the toxocyst, and a volatile compound that disrupts the nervous systems of nematodes, which is essential for nematode-killing. Ongoing research aims to understand the molecular mechanisms that govern the development and evolution of toxocysts in Pleurotus mushrooms.
Behaviour and physiology of C. elegans responding to fungal predators

Behaviour and physiology of C. elegans responding to fungal predators

Predator-prey interactions can profoundly influence the behaviour of prey species as they adapt to avoid being captured. We use C. elegans as a model to study how nematodes respond and adapt to fungal predation and to understand how predator-prey interactions shape the coevolution between the fungi and nematodes.
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