The Max Planck Campus Tübingen

The Max Planck Campus offers several service facilities for its staff members as well as for guests and the public.

Max Planck House
The Max Planck House is the social centre of the campus. It contains the cafeteria, a guesthouse and the library. In addition, conferences and events are held here. more
The Library
The campus library is located on the first floor of the Max Planck House. The library collects books and journals from within the fields of biology and medicine for the use of scientists and guests. more
Max-Planck EU Regional Office, Baden-Württemberg
The Max-Planck EU Regional Office's mission is to promote the participation of Max Planck scientists in research projects funded by the European Union or other international agencies. more
Nursery “Planckton”

Nursery “Planckton”

In order to support working parents, the Planckton Nursery offers day care for up to 30 children between the ages of one and three years directly on campus. The nursery is run by the non-profit organisation KoKon gGmbH.
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