News, Job Offers, Media

Algal Development and Evolution


Agnes, Josué and Daniel went on a sampling campaign to the North Sea island of Helgoland from 14 - 20 January. Together with Simon Dittami from the Biological Station in Roscoff and with help from the local diving team at Alfred Wegener Institute, they collected samples for (meta)genomic analyses of the two kelp species Laminaria hyperborea and Saccharina latissima for the project BIOcean5D ( [more]
Aga, Remy and Cecile are collecting Algae in Japan together with Masa. [more]
Daniel Liesner and Susana Coelho talk about sexual reproduction, the difficulties of finding a partner in the ocean, and switches of sexual systems. [more]
In June 2022 Susana Coelho and Sebastien Colin gave a workshop on Algae at the International School of Stuttgart. [more]

Join us

There is a range of exciting opportunities to perform research in our lab, and we are interested in hearing from undergraduates, PhD students and postdocs who want to be part of our adventure. You can apply for a PhD through the institute’s PhD program but we will also entertain direct applications. We expect you have some lab experience, and that you can provide at least two letters of reference. For postdocs, you should have published (or are close to publishing) at one first-author paper in a major international journal. Please send your CV and a letter that outlines your research interests and why your qualifications make you a good fit for our Department. For those who wish to apply for their own funding to join the group, there are several opportunities (e.g. EMBO, Marie Curie). We are happy to identify potential funding sources, discuss projects, help writing grants and prepare eventual interviews.

Job Offers

Postdoc position in Evolutionary Genomics, MPI for Biology, Tubingen, Germany

One funded postdoctoral position is available in Susana Coelho’s group at the MPI for Biology in Tubingen. The details of the project are flexible, but should fall within the general interests of the lab in genome evolution. Current research focuses on using genomic and molecular genetics appraoches to study sex chromosomes, chromatin evolution, transposable elements, centromeres, regulatory genome evolution.

For more information on current research, see:

Candidates must have a proven and strong background in evolutionary genomics, and solid programming and bioinformatics skills. Knowledge on molecular genetics is a plus.

Informal inquiries as well as applications (including a CV, and two letters of recommendation) should be sent to Susana Coelho (

The starting date is flexible ideally January 2025.

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