Mass Spectrometry

Publications of C Verasztó

Journal Article (9)

Journal Article
Bezares-Calderón, L.; Berger, J.; Jasek, S.; Verasztó, C.; Mendes, S.; Gühmann, M.; Almeda, R.; Shahidi, R.; Jékely, G.: Neural circuitry of a polycystin-mediated hydrodynamic startle response for predator avoidance. eLife 7, e36262 (2018)
Journal Article
Verasztó, C.; Gühmann, M.; Jia, H.; Rajan, V.; Bezares-Calderón, L.; Piñeiro-Lopez, C.; Randel, N.; Shahidi, R.; Michiels, N.; Yokoyama, S. et al.; Tessmar-Raible, K.; Jékely, G.: Ciliary and rhabdomeric photoreceptor-cell circuits form a spectral depth gauge in marine zooplankton. eLife 7, e36440 (2018)
Journal Article
Williams, E.; Verasztó, C.; Jasek, S.; Conzelmann, M.; Shahidi, R.; Bauknecht, P.; Mirabeau, O.; Jékely, G.: Synaptic and peptidergic connectome of a neurosecretory center in the annelid brain. eLife 6, e26349 (2017)
Journal Article
Verasztó, C.; Ueda, N.; Bezares-Calderón, L.; Panzera, A.; Williams, E.; Shahidi, R.; Jékely, G.: Ciliomotor circuitry underlying whole-body coordination of ciliary activity in the Platynereis larva. eLife 6, e26000 (2017)
Journal Article
Shahidi, R.; Williams, E.; Conzelmann, M.; Asadulina, A.; Verasztó, C.; Jasek, S.; Bezares-Calderón, L.; Jékely, G.: A serial multiplex immunogold labeling method for identifying peptidergic neurons in connectomes. eLife 4, e11147 (2015)
Journal Article
Gühmann, M.; Jia, H.; Randel, N.; Verasztó, C.; Bezares-Calderón, L.; Michiels, N.; Yokoyama, S.; Jékely, G.: Spectral Tuning of Phototaxis by a Go-Opsin in the Rhabdomeric Eyes of Platynereis. Current Biology 25 (17), pp. 2265 - 2271 (2015)
Journal Article
Randel, N.; Shahidi, R.; Verasztó, C.; Bezares-Calderón, L.; Schmidt, S.; Jékely, G.: Inter-individual stereotypy of the Platynereis larval visual connectome. eLife 4, e08069 (2015)
Journal Article
Randel, N.; Asadulina, A.; Bezares-Calderón, L.; Verasztó, C.; Williams, E.; Conzelmann, M.; Shahidi, R.; Jékely, G.: Neuronal connectome of a sensory-motor circuit for visual navigation. eLife 3, e02730 (2014)
Journal Article
Asadulina, A.; Panzera, A.; Verasztó, C.; Liebig, C.; Jékely, G.: Whole-body gene expression pattern registration in Platynereis larvae. EvoDevo 3, 27 (2012)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Veraszto, C.; Jekely, G.: Thermotaxis in the marine annelid Platynereis dumerilii. In 12th Conference of Junior Neuroscientists of Tübingen (NeNA 2011), p. 18. 12th Conference of Junior Neuroscientists of Tübingen (NeNA 2011), Heiligkreuztal, Germany, October 10, 2011 - October 12, 2011. (2011)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Verasztó, C.: Synaptic and peptidergic connectome in the marine annelid Platynereis dumerilii. Dissertation, Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen, Germany (2018)

Preprint (1)

Verasztó, C.; Jasek, S.; Gühmann, M.; Shahidi, R.; Ueda, N.; Beard, J.; Mendes, S.; Heinz, K.; Bezares-Calderón, L.; Williams, E. et al.; Jékely, G.: Whole-animal connectome and cell-type complement of the three-segmented Platynereis dumerilii larva. (submitted)
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