Reproductive Isolation and Speciation in Brown Algae

Journal Article (29)

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F Denoeud, O Godfroy, C Cruaud, S Heesch, Z Nehr, N Tadrent, A Couloux, L Brillet-Guéguen, L Delage, D Mckeown, T Motomura, D Sussfeld, X Fan, L Mazéas, N Terrapon, J Barrera-Redondo, R Petroll, L Reynes, S-W Choi, J Jo, K Uthanumallian, K Bogaert, C Duc, P Ratchinski, A Lipinska, B Noel, EA Murphy, M Lohr, A Khatei, P Hamon-Giraud, C Vieira, K Avia, SS Akerfors, S Akita, Y Badis, T Barbeyron, A Belcour, W Berrabah, S Blanquart, A Bouguerba-Collin, T Bringloe, RA Cattolico, A Cormier, H Cruz de Carvalho, R Dallet, O De Clerck, A Debit, E Denis, C Destombe, E Dinatale, S Dittami, E Drula, S Faugeron, J Got, L Graf, A Groisillier, M-L Guillemin, L Harms, WJ Hatchett, B Henrissat, G Hoarau, C Jollivet, A Jueterbock, E Kayal, AH Knoll, K Kogame, A Le Bars, C Leblanc, L Le Gall, R Ley, X Liu, ST LoDuca, PJ Lopez, P Lopez, E Manirakiza, K Massau, S Mauger, L Mest, G Michel, C Monteiro, C Nagasato, D Nègre, E Pelletier, N Phillips, P Potin, SA Rensing, E Rousselot, S Rousvoal, D Schroeder, D Scornet, A Siegel, L Tirichine, T Tonon, K Valentin, H Verbruggen, F Weinberger, G Wheeler, H Kawai, AF Peters, HS Yoon, C Hervé, N Ye, E Bapteste, M Valero, GV Markov, E Corre, SM Coelho, P Wincker, J-M Aury, and JM Cock, "Evolutionary genomics of the emergence of brown algae as key components of coastal ecosystems," Cell 187 (24), 6943-6965 (2024).
Journal Article
L Mazéas, A Bouguerba-Collin, JM Cock, F Denoeud, O Godfroy, L Brillet-Guéguen , T Barbeyron, AP Lipinska, L Delage, E Corre, E Drula, B Henrissat, M Czjzek, N Terrapon, and C Hervé, "Candidate genes involved in biosynthesis and degradation of the main extracellular matrix polysaccharides of brown algae and their probable evolutionary history," BMC Genomics 25 (1), 950 (2024).
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R Luthringer, M Raphalen, C Guerra, S Colin, C Martinho, M Zheng, M Hoshino, Y Badis, AP Lipinska, FB Haas, J Barrera-Redondo, Vikram Alva, and SM Coelho, "Repeated co-option of HMG-box genes for sex determination in brown algae and animals," Science 283 (6689), eadk5466 (2024).
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M Borg, SA Krueger-Hadfield, C Destombe, J Collén, A Lipinska, and SM Coelho, "Red macroalgae in the genomic era," New Phytologist 240 (2), 471-488 (2023).
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R Reifová, SL Ament-Velásquez, Y Bourgeois, J Coughlan, J Kulmuni, AP Lipinska, G Okude, L Stevison, K Yoshida, and J Kitano, "Mechanisms of Intrinsic Postzygotic Isolation: From Traditional Genic and Chromosomal Views to Genomic and Epigenetic Perspectives," Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology 15 (10), a041607 (2023).
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AP Lipinska, SA Krueger-Hadfield, O Godfroy, S Dittami, L Ayres-Ostrock, E Bonthond, L Brillet-Guéguen, S Coelho, E Corre, G Cossard, C Destombe, P Epperlein, S Faugeron, E Ficko-Blean, J Beltrán, E Lavaut, A Le Bars, F Marchi, S Mauger, G Michel, P Potin, D Scornet, EE Sotka, F Weinberger, M Cabral de Oliveira, M-L Guillemin, EM Plastino, and M Valero, "The Rhodoexplorer platform for red algal genomics and whole genome assemblies for several Gracilaria species," Genome Biology and Evolution 17 (7), evad124 (2023).
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M Krasovec, M Hoshino, M Zheng, AP Lipinska, and SM Coelho, "Low spontaneous mutation rate in complex multicellular eukaryotes with a haploid-diploid life cycle," Molecular Biology and Evolution 40 (6), msad105 (2023).
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WJ Hatchett, A Jueterbock, M Kopp, JA Coyer, SM Coelho, G Hoarau, and AP Lipinska, "Evolutionary dynamics of sex-biased gene expression in a young XY system: Insights from the brown alga genus Fucus," New Phytologist 238 (1), 422-437 (2023).
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G Manat, M Fanuel, D Jouanneau, M Jam, J Mac-Bear, H Rogniaux, T Mora, R Larocque, A Lipinska, M Czjzek, D Ropartz, and E Ficko-Blean, "Specificity of a β-porphyranase produced by the carrageenophyte red alga Chondrus crispus and implications of this unexpected activity on red algal biology," Journal of Biological Chemistry 298 (12), 102707 (2022).
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GG Cossard, O Godfroy, Z Nehr, C Cruaud, JM Cock, AP Lipinska, and SM Coelho, "Selection drives the evolution of convergent gene expression changes during transitions to co-sexuality in haploid sexual systems," Nature Ecology & Evolution 6 (5), 579-589 (2022).
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J Gueno, M Borg, S Bourdareau, G Cossard, O Godfroy, A Lipinska, T Tirichine, JM Cock, and S Coelho, "Chromatin landscape associated with sexual differentiation in a UV sex determination system," Nucleic Acids Research 50 (6), 3307-3322 (2022).
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DG Müller, E Gaschet, O Godfroy, J Gueno, G Cossard, M Kunert, AF Peters, R Westermeier, W Boland, JM Cock, AP Lipinska, and SM Coelho, "A partially sex-reversed giant kelp sheds light into the mechanisms of sexual differentiation in a UV sexual system," New Phytologist 232 (1), 252-263 (2021).
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L Mignerot, K Avia, R Luthringer, AP Lipinska, AF Peters, JM Cock, and SM Coelho, "A key role for sex chromosomes in the regulation of parthenogenesis in the brown alga Ectocarpus," PLoS Genetics 15 (6), e1008211 (2019).
Journal Article
AP Lipinska, ML Serrano-Serrano, A Cormier, AF Peters, K Kogame, JM Cock, and SM Coelho, "Rapid turnover of life-cycle-related genes in the brown algae," Genome Biology 20 (1), 35 (2019).
Journal Article
AP Lipinska, ML Serrano-Serrano, A Cormier, AF Peters, K Kogame, JM Cock, and SM Coelho, "Correction to: Rapid turnover of life-cycle-related genes in the brown algae," Genome Biology 20 (1), 44 (2019).
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A Arun, SM Coelho, AF Peters, S Bourdareau, L Pérès, D Scornet, M Strittmatter, AP Lipinska, K Avia, N Macaisne, C Troadec, A Bendahmane, and JM Cock, "Convergent recruitment of TALE homeodomain life cycle regulators to direct sporophyte development in land plants and brown algae," eLife 8, e43101 (2019).
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SM Coelho, J Gueno, AP Lipinska, JM Cock, and JG Umen, "UV Chromosomes and Haploid Sexual Systems," Trends in Plant Science 23 (9), 794-807 (2018).
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K Avia, AP Lipinska, L Mignerot, AE Montecinos, M Jamy, S Ahmed, M Valero, AF Peters, JM Cock, D Roze, and SM Coelho, "Genetic Diversity in the UV Sex Chromosomes of the Brown Alga Ectocarpus," Genes 9 (6), 286 (2018).
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O Godfroy, T Uji, C Nagasato, AP Lipinska, D Scornet, AF Peters, K Avia, S Colin, L Mignerot, T Motomura, JM Cock, and SM Coelho, "DISTAG/TBCCd1 Is Required for Basal Cell Fate Determination in Ectocarpus," Plant Cell 29 (12), 3102-3122 (2017).
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AP Lipinska, NRT Toda, S Heesch, AF Peters, JM Cock, and SM Coelho, "Multiple gene movements into and out of haploid sex chromosomes," Genome Biology 18, 104 (2017).
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